Education and Healthcare
General Education Questions
Student Loans / FAFSA / GI Bill
- Who can claim the Student Loan Interest Deduction?
- What is a "qualified student loan"?
- What types of loans DO NOT qualify for the student loan interest deduction?
- Can I claim the Student Loan Interest Deduction if I take the Standard Deduction?
- What information is needed to complete my FAFSA application?
- Do I need to enter my GI Bill for education assistance?
Education Credits / Scholarships / Expenses
- How do I report my 1098-T Box 4 information?
- What education credits are available to lower my tax?
- Who can claim an Education Credit?
- When would I use Form 8863 for education credits?
- Lifetime Learning Credit
- How many times can I claim the American Opportunity Credit?
Affordable Care Act
- Why are you asking if I have insurance under the Affordable Care Act?
- I am a dependent on another person's return. How do I answer the health insurance question?
- What is and State Marketplace?
- Who is considered a Member of my Household?
- What are Monthly Enrollment Premiums?
- Is my estimated household income at least 100% Poverty Level?
Health Savings Accounts / Medical Savings Accounts
- What if we have both a family plan and a self-only plan?
- Total reimbursements received or that you expect to receive (Form 1099-LTC, 8853)
- What are qualified LTC services (Forms 1099-LTC, 8853)?
- What is a qualified LTC insurance contract (Forms 1099-LTC, 8853)?
- Additional Contribution Amount
- Spouses with separate HSA accounts and family coverage