To input your Form 1095-A, please follow these steps after logging into your account:
Navigate to Health Insurance: Select Health Insurance from the left-hand menu.
Confirm Coverage Under the Affordable Care Act: Answer Yes to the question, Did you, your spouse, or a dependent have insurance under the Affordable Care Act?
Verify Household Members:
- If additional household members (not listed as a spouse or dependent) need to be added, click +Household Member. Enter their full name, date of birth, and Social Security number.
- If no additional household members need to be added, click Continue at the bottom of the screen.
Answer Policy Allocation and PTC Questions: On the following screen:
- Address questions regarding policy allocation amounts, repayment of the Premium Tax Credit (PTC), and coverage details (e.g., full-year coverage or changes during the year).
- Enter monthly policy amounts or annual PTC amounts, if applicable. Once complete, click Continue.
Provide Dependent's Modified AGI (if applicable):
- If a dependent has income, you’ll need their Forms 1040 or 1040-NR and, if applicable, Forms 2555 or 2555-EZ.
- If no dependents have income, click Continue to proceed.