Dependent Information
- Do I include dependent income (SSA- 1099, Social Security, W-2) on my return?
- How do I claim my spouse on my return?
- How do I enter information for dependents?
- How do I indicate I do not wish to claim my dependent for EIC purposes?
- I want to file using Head of Household but allow my ex-spouse to claim the child. How do I mark my child as not my dependent for the tax year?
- Who can I claim as a dependent or qualifying child? IRS rules
- What is a Qualifying Relative?
- What are the requirements for a "Qualifying Child' (used to determine dependent status)?
- Who claims a child of divorced or separated parents?
- Can I claim my married child as a dependent on my return?
- Can I claim a child who did not live with me as a dependent on the tax return (Form 8332)?
- Does my dependent need to file their own tax return?
- What box should I check for my Dependent in Basic Information?
- Can I Claim my Child's Interest/Dividends on my Return?
- Am I Eligible for the Dependent Care Credit?
- What do I need to know about Tax Credits for Child and Dependent Care Expenses?
- Are My Child's Summer Camp Expenses Tax Deductible?