If you attempt to create a new account and receive the warning message indicating that your social security number has already been used, this means there is an existing account within our database associated with your social security number. This does not necessarily mean a return has been filed using your social security, just that there is an account within our database associated with your social security number.
What if I cannot remember my login information from a previous account?
If you know the other e-mail address:
Click here for instructions to have us send you a username reminder to the e-mail address on record. You will also be able to access directions to reset your password.
If you no longer have access to your old e-mail address:
Click here to fill out the email change request form for us to change the e-mail address associated with the account. Clear and legible proof of identification must be included in the information when sent to us. If you do not remember the prior e-mail address, please include two forms of ID with the completed form. For joint accounts, both spouse's information and ID must be provided. We will reply within 72 hours of receipt of the form.
Once your e-mail change request has been successfully processed, we will follow up with further instructions to the new e-mail address on how to gain access to your account. If your e-mail change request needs further attention, we will send an e-mail to the new e-mail address requesting any additional information that we may need to successfully process your request.
What if I never created an account and receive this warning message?
If you are sure you have not created an account before and have attempted the username reminder and did not receive any information to your email, then you will be able to bypass the SSN warning message when creating your new account.