When you pull prior year information to your current year tax return, the banking information used in the prior year, is part of what can be pulled. If your bank account has changed, you will need to edit it before submitting your return.
The bank account/direct deposit information is entered as part of the E-file process. During the Sign & File portion of the E-file process, you will be prompted to enter the bank name, the routing number, and account number of the account into which you would like to have your refund direct deposited or your electronic withdrawal debited.
Can I update my bank account/direct deposit information after I have filed my return?
If your return was rejected, you can edit the banking information before resubmitting the return. Go back into the E-file section of your return and update the banking information before filing again.
You must click the Edit button in the Sign & File section of the E-file process to make those changes.
If your return is accepted, the banking information you provided on the return cannot be changed.
Additional Information
- How do I enter my direct deposit or bank account information?
- What happens if I enter incorrect banking information?