Si usted tiene preguntas acerca de la ley de impuestos estatales o sobre su declaración de estado, es posible que deba comunicarse con el ingreso estatal o agencia tributaria. Si necesita ponerse en contacto con su estado, a continuación se presentan enlaces a la información de contacto de cada estado. La mayoría de los estados ofrecen números de teléfono que usted puede llamar para hablar con un representante. Sin embargo, algunos estados sólo ofrecen información de contacto a través de correo electrónico. Si este es el caso y usted prefiere hablar con una persona, es posible que desee visitar la oficina local en persona.
ALABAMA: Alabama Department of Revenue
ARIZONA: Arizona Department of Revenue
ARKANSAS: Arkansas Department of Finance & Administration
CALIFORNIA: Franchise Tax Board of the State of California
COLORADO: Colorado Department of Revenue
CONNECTICUT: State of Connecticut Department of Revenue Services
DELAWARE: Delaware Department of Finance: Division of Revenue
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Washington, D.C. Office of Tax and Revenue (OTR)
GEORGIA: Georgia Department of Revenue
HAWAII: State of Hawaii Department of Taxation
IDAHO: Idaho State Tax Commission
ILLINOIS: Illinois Department of Revenue
INDIANA: Indiana Department of Revenue
IOWA: Iowa Department of Revenue
KANSAS: Kansas Department of Revenue
KENTUCKY: Kentucky Department of Revenue
LOUISIANA: Louisiana Department of Revenue
MAINE: State of Maine Revenue Services: Department of Administrative & Financial Services
MARYLAND: Comptroller of Maryland
MASSACHUSETTS: Massachusetts Department of Revenue
MICHIGAN: Michigan Department of Treasury
MINNESOTA: Minnesota Department of Revenue
MISSISSIPPI: Mississippi State Tax Commission
MISSOURI: Missouri Department of Revenue
MONTANA: Montana Department of Revenue
NEBRASKA: Nebraska Department of Revenue
NEW HAMPSHIRE: New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration
NEW JERSEY: New Jersey Department of the Treasury: NJ Taxation
NEW MEXICO: New Mexico Taxation & Revenue Department: Revenue Processing Division
NEW YORK: New York State Department of Taxation and Finance
NORTH CAROLINA: North Carolina Department of Revenue
NORTH DAKOTA: North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner
OHIO: Ohio Department of Taxation
OKLAHOMA: Oklahoma Tax Commission
OREGON: Oregon Department of Revenue
PENNSYLVANIA: Pennsylvania Department of Revenue
RHODE ISLAND: State of Rhode Island Department of Revenue: Division of Taxation
SOUTH CAROLINA: South Carolina Department of Revenue
UTAH: Utah State Tax Commission
VERMONT: Vermont Department of Taxes
VIRGINIA: Virginia Department of Taxation
WEST VIRGINIA: West Virginia State Tax Department
WISCONSIN: Wisconsin Department of Revenue