Military Servicemen
Louisiana allows a credit for 100% of the amount paid by an active or reserve military servicemember, or the spouse of an active or reserve military servicemember, or the dependent of such servicemember for obtaining a Louisiana noncommercial hunting or fishing license. A copy of the noncommercial fishing hunting and/or fishing license must be submitted to LDR in order to claim the credit. Complete all information requested in Lines 1A through 1D. The credit for the license is valid only during the time the servicemember is on active duty and does not apply to purchases of lifetime licenses.
Other Louisiana Refundable Credits
(Please review each credit for additional forms required to be mailed after your return has been accepted electronically)
- Inventory Tax - Allows a refundable credit for 100% of the ad valorem taxes paid to political subdivisions in Louisiana on inventory held by manufacturers, distributors, or retailers.
- Ad Valorem Natural Gas - Allows a refundable credit for 100% of the ad valorem taxes paid to political subdivisions in Louisiana on natural gas held, used, or consumed in providing natual gas storage services or operating natural gas storage facilities. Both a copy of the tax assessment and a copy of the cancelled check in payment of the tax must be attached to the return.
- Ad Valorem Offshore Vessels - Allows a refundable credit for 100% of the ad valorem taxes paid on vessels in Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act Waters. Copies of the tax assessment, the cancelled check in payment of the tax, and a completed Form LAT 11A from the Louisiana Tax Commission must be attached to the return.
- Telephone Company Property - Allows a refundable credit for up to 40% of the ad valorem taxes paid to Louisiana political subdivisions by a telephone company with respect to that company's public service properties located in Louisiana. The credit may be passed through to individuals who are shareholders or members of certain legal entities. A Schedule must be attached stating which entity paid the tax and obtained the credit on the individual's behalf.
- Prison Industry Enhancement - Allows a refundable credit for the state sales and use tax paid by a taxpayer on purchases of specialty apparel items from a pricate sector Prison Industry Enhancement (PIE) contractor.
- Urban Revitalization - Allows a refundable credit for investing in certain economically depressed areas of the state. Taxpayers must apply to the Louisiana Economic Development to receive certification. A copy of the certification of the credit must be attached to the return.
- Mentor-Protege - Allows a refundable credit for a mentor business that fulfills the terms of a Mentor-Protege Agreement as approved by the Louisiana Department of Economic Development. A copy of the certification of the credit must be attached to the return.
- Milk Producers - Allows a refundable credit for a resident taxpayer engaged in the business of producing milk for sale. Those milk producers that have obtained permits under the Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 51, and have met the requirements of the Food and Drug Administration, shall be certified by the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals to receive the credit.
- Technology Commercialization - Allows a refundable credit for a qualifying individual or business that invests in the commercialization of Louisiana technology. Taxpayers must apply to the Louisiana Department of Economic Development to receive certification. A copy of the certification of the credit must be attached to the return.
- Historic Residential - Allows a refundable credit for the amount of eligible costs and expenses incurred during the rehabilitation of an owner-occupied residential or owner-occupied mixed use structure located in a National Register Historic Disctrict, a cultural products district, a local historic district, a Main Street District, or a downtown development district. The tax credit is limited to one credit per rehabilitated structure and can not exceed $25,000 per structure. Taxpayers must apply to the Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation, and Tourism, Division of Historic Preservation for certification. A copy of the certification of the credit must be attached to the return.
- Angel Investor - Allows a refundable credit for taxpayers who make third party investments in certified Louisiana entrepreneurial businesses between January 1, 2005, and December 31, 2009. To earn the Angel Investor Credit, taxpayers must file an application with the Louisiana Department of Economic Development.
- Musical and Theatrical Productions - Allows a refundable credit for the production expenses, transportation costs, employment of college and vocational-technical students, employment of residents, and for the construction, repair, or renovation of facilities related to the live performance industry. Taxpayers must apply to the Louisiana Department of Economic Development to receive certification. A copy of the certification of the credit must be attached to the return.
- Wind and Solar Energy Systems - Allows a refundable credit for taxpayers who purchase and install a wind energy system, a solar energy system, or both in a residence located in this state, or for owners who purchase and install such energy systems in a residential rental apartment project. Taxpayers are also eligible for the credit when a resident purchases a newly constructed home with such systems already installed, or when such systems are installed in new apartment projects. The credit is equal to 50% of the first $25,000 of the cost of each wind energy system or solar energy system, including installation costs. Only one tax credit is available for each eligible system. When taking this credit, the taxpayer will not be eligible for any other state tax credit, exemption, exclusion, deduction, or any other tax benefit for that property.
- School Readiness Child Care Provider - Allows a refundable credit for child care provider who operated a facility or facilities where care is given to foster children in the custody of the Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services or to children who participate in the Child Care Assstance Program administered by the Office of Family Support in DCFS. The credit is based on the average monthly number of children who attended the facility multiplied by an amount based on the quality rating of the child care facility.
- School Readiness Child Care Directors and Staff - Allows a refundable credit for eligible child care directors and eligible child care staff. The tax credit is based on certain attained qualifications for directors and staff members.
- School Readiness Business-Supported Child Care - Allows a refundable credit for a taxpayer who incurs eligible business-supported child care expenses. The percentage of eligible expenses allowed for the credit depends on the quality rating of the child care facility to which the expenses are related or the quality rating of the child care facility that the child attends. Copies of cancelled checks and other documentation to support the amount of eligible expenses must be maintained and provided upon request.
- School Readiness Fees and Grants to Resource and Referral Agencies - Allows a refundable credit for a taxpayer whose business pays fees and grants to child care resource and referral agencies. The credit can not exceed $5,000 per tax year.
- Sugarcane Trailer Conversion or Acquisition - Allows a refundable credit for the cost paid this year to acquire or replace an eligible sugarcane trailer, or to convert an ineligible sugarcane trailer to an eligible sugarcane trailer. An eligible sugarcane trailer hauls sugarcane and meets certain requirements which will authorize the owner or operator to obtain an annual special permit for sugarcane vehicles after August 1, 2012. The credit is limited to $6,500 per trailer.
- Retention and Modernization - Allows a refundable credit for an employer who incurs qualified expenditures to modernize existing operations in Louisiana to retain the business in the state. Taxpayers must apply to the Louisiana Department of Economic Development to receive certification. A copy of the certification of the credit must be attached to the return.
- Conversion of Vehicle to Alternative Fuel - Allows a refundable credit for the conversion of a vehicle to a qualified clean-burning motor vehicle fuel property, or the purchase of a new qualified motor vehicle with a qualified clean-burning fuel property installed by the manufacturer. The purchased vehicle must be properly registered with the Louisiana Department of Public Safety. You must attach the documentation verifying the conversion or purchase of the vehicle.
- Research and Development - Allows a refundable credit for any taxpayer who claims a federal income tax credit under 26 U.S.C. 41(a) for increasing research activites. The credit is obtained through the Louisiana Department of Economic Development and documentation from that Agency must be attached to the return.
- Digital Interactive Media & Software - Provides a credit to individuals for theinvestment in businesses specializing in digital interactive media and software. Taxpayers must apply to the Louisiana Department of Economic Developmetn to receive certification. A copy of the certification of the credit must be attached to the return.