If you moved into or out of New York during the tax year, you will need to file a Part Year Resident return and allocate your income.
How do I create the return?
To add the Part Year return to your account visit the State section, add a new State return, choose New York, then choose Part Year Resident.
Be sure to complete the section labeled "Part Year Resident Status". This is located under:
- State Section
- Edit NY return
- Basic Information
- Part Year Resident Status
Here you will indicate if you moved into or out of New York and the date of your move.
How do I allocate the income I earned while a Part Year Resident?
W-2 State wages are automatically allocated based on the information from box 16 of your W-2 form. You must manually allocate other types on income directly on the State return.
Note: If you received a W-2 for a job which you worked some days in New York and some days outside of New York, you must complete NY IT-203B Schedule A - Allocation of wage and salary income to New York State to adjust the State wage amounts.
To allocate this income go to:
- State Section
- Edit NY Return
- Income Subject to Tax
- NY IT-203B Schedule A