W-2 Filers (FW2-502)
The EIN number listed on the W-2 does not match the name of the payer according to the IRS.
How do I correct the error?
To correct the Employer EIN:
- Federal Section
- Income
- W-2
- Edit the W-2 entered and make the necessary corrections and CONTINUE to save your corrections.
1099-R Filers (F1099R-502-01 or F1099R-502-02)
The Payer's TIN number listed on the 1099-R does not match the name of the payer according to the IRS.
How do I correct the error?
To correct the payer's EIN or TIN:
- Federal Section
- Income
- 1099-R, RRB, SSA
- Add or Edit a 1099-R
- Edit the 1099-R entered and verify the TIN number listed and the Payor name for accuracy
- Make the necessary corrections and CONTINUE to save your corrections.
Do I need to file my return again?
Yes. Resubmit your return using the "E-file" listing on the navigation bar.