To report your Ad Valorem tax, go to:
- Federal
- Deductions
- Select my forms
- Itemized Deductions
- Taxes You Paid
- Personal Property (ex: Car Registration)
What is Ad Valorem, and when do I pay this tax?
Ad Valorem taxes are based on the assessed value of items such as personal property or real estate. The most common ad valorem tax is for things such as car registration fees. In most states your registration fees will be based on either your vehicle’s value or the weight of the vehicle. Any fee determined by the value of your vehicle can be deducted on your federal return; however, fees determined by the weight cannot. Plate fees cannot be deducted no matter how they are determined. If your state determines your registration fees by using both the weight and the value, you can only deduct the portion based on the value.
Please refer to the IRS instructions for Schedule A for more information on state and local personal property taxes.