To report the income on your return, go to the
- Federal Section
- Income
- 1099-R, RRB, SSA
- Add or Edit a 1099-R
- Report your information for boxes 1, 2, and 7
- After continuing, you will be asked if the distribution is for a qualified disaster retirement plan distribution for the current year.
- Click 'Continue' to enter the specifics about your distribution
What is a qualified Disaster Distribution?
For 2022, You cannot receive qualified distributions in 2022 for a qualified disaster that occurred in 2020. Repayments of qualified distributions received for qualified disasters from 2020 had to be made before
June 26, 2021.
For 2021, qualified disaster distributions are:
- The qualified 2019 disaster distributions for the Puerto Rico Earthquakes (DR-4473-PR) reported on 2021 Form 8915-D, or
- The qualified 2020 disaster distributions for qualified 2020 disasters reported on 2021 Form 8915-F (2020 disasters).
Coronavirus-related distributions can't be made in 2021.
What if I got more than one distribution?
If you received more than one distribution for the tax year, all distributions must be treated the same way.
Complete the following forms to report the distribution:
- Form 8606 to report the distribution from a traditional IRA and keep track of your basis (if basis is more than $0)
- Form 1099-R to report the taxable income on your return
- Form 8915-F to report the distribution will be spread out over 3 years
- May need to complete Form 5329 depending on distribution code to prevent the additional 10% penalty for early withdrawal
You must also designate on your return that you were affected by a natural disaster. Please report:
- Basic Information
- Personal Information
- Additional Personal Information
- Check the box that stating the taxpayer or spouse was affected by a natural disaster during the current tax year
- Enter your disaster designation in the box that appears
To view the instructions for Form 8915-F, click here.