If you claimed any of the credits listed below, you must Add as an Addition to Income, the amount computed for your credit. This is true even if you cannot take the full credit this year and must carry part of it forward or if the credit is refundable.
NOTE: Do not include any credits passed through to you from a partnership, limited liability company, or tax-option corporation for the credits listed below. These will be accounted for separately.
- Development Zones Credit
- Enterprise Zone Jobs Credit
- Manufacturing Investment Credit (carryforward only for 2023 tax year)
- Economic Development Tax Credit
- Jobs Tax Credit
- Capital Investment Credit
- Community Rehabilitation Program Credit
- Research Expense Credit
- Manufacturing and Agriculture Credit- The amount of manufacturing and agriculture credit computed for 2023 must be added to income on your 2024 Wisconsin return. This is the amount from line 16 of your 2021 Schedule MA-A or MA-M.
- Business Development Credit
- Electronics and Information Technology Manufacturing Zone Credit
- ABLE Accounts: The owner/beneficiary of a qualified ABLE account is required to include amounts withdrawn from the account for reasons other than the payment of qualified disability expenses for the account beneficiary. If the account is terminated, any amount returned to the owner's estate is to be included as income on the return.
- Difference in Federal and Wisconsin Basis of Depreciated or Amortized Assets: Adjustments are to be made over a 5-year period for the difference between the Wisconsin adjusted basis and the federal adjusted basis of assets owned (beginning in 2013) on the last day of the taxable year. To qualify, the assets must have been depreciated or amortized for both Wisconsin and federal tax purposes. As a result of these adjustments, the Wisconsin adjusted basis and the federal adjusted basis of these assets are the same on the first day of the taxable year beginning in 2014.
- Business Moving Expenses: If you claimed moving expenses on your federal return for moving your Wisconsin based business to an area outside of Wisconsin or the US, they must be added back to the income. For a list of expenses, please refer to the state instructions.
Additional Information
The following items can be either an addition to income or a subtraction from income. Click the links to visit the Knowledgebase article for information about each entry.
- Tax-Option (S) corporation Adjustments- code 51
- Your Share of Partnership, Trust or Estate Adjustments- Code 52
- Charitable Contributions- Code 53
- Difference in Federal and Wisconsin Basis of Assets -Code 54
- Difference in Federal and Wisconsin Basis of Partnership Interest -Code 55
- Difference in Federal and Wisconsin Reporting of Marital Property Income -Code 56
For further information, please see the WI state instructions.