If you would like to print your return(s) before they are electronically filed:
- Log into your account
- Select Summary/Print from the navigation menu
- Select View Return to view, print, or save a PDF copy of your return
If you have not paid for your return yet, you will be asked to do so prior to viewing or printing the return(s).
What if I paper file?
If you're going to file your printed return by mail instead of e-filing, please be sure to sign your return(s) and attach a copy of your W-2 and wage statements along with any additional forms that have been generated based on your entries.
Where do I mail my return?
For the IRS mailing address based on the state in which you live, please click here. If you are also filing a state return, please click here to contact your state's Department of Revenue for the correct state mailing address. Generally, the state mailing address is also printed on most of the state returns.
How do I print my return after filing, but my return is not accepted yet?
Follow the same steps for "What if I paper file?"
How do I print an accepted return?
- Log in to your account
- Scroll down the My Account page and select Print > Federal/State
This will open a PDF for you. The PDF may be printed using the print icon (or Ctrl-P on your keyboard) and/or saved using the disk icon (or Ctrl-Shift-S on your keyboard).
How do I print a prior year accepted return?
To print the prior year accepted return:
- Log in to your account
- Select Access Return under the prior tax year you need to print
- Select Show Details for the return(s) you want
- Select Print. A new window will open with the PDF
- Print using the print icon (or Ctrl-P on your keyboard) and/or saved using the disk icon (or Ctrl-Shift-S on your keyboard)
How do I print when using File & Go/Bank Refund Transfer Option?
If you used the Bank RT/File & Go (Refund Transfer) option to pay your filing fees and your return has not yet been accepted, you will not be able to print the return for free until AFTER it has been accepted. The turn-around time for Federal acknowledgements is usually within 24 hours but can take up to 48. If you filed your state return with your Federal return, the State acknowledgement can take an additional 24-72 hours.
You must have Adobe Reader version 9.0 or newer to be able to view and print the return. If you do not have the correct version of Adobe Reader, you may download it (free of charge) by clicking on the following link: Download/Update Adobe Reader.
Troubleshooting: If you are having difficulties getting your return to print, click here