Many adjustments required supporting documentation to be attached with your adjustment claim. You will not be able to upload documents when e-filing, so the return must be printed and mailed when supporting documentation is required.
Oklahoma adjustments to income include:
Military Pay Exclusion
Armed Services may exclude 100% of active Military pay including reservice and National Guard pay that is included in the federal adjusted gross income.
Qualifying Disability Deduction
Expenses to modify your auto, home, or work place to compensate for a physical disability that may be a handicap to employment may be deducted.
You will need to provide a schedule showing the expenses as well as a description of the physical disability. Also provide documentation from the Social Security Administration with recognition/allowance of the expense.
Contributions to Oklahoma 529 College Savings Plan & OklahomaDream 529 Account(s)
Contributions made to Oklahoma 529 College Savings Plan or OklahomaDream 529 accounts. This adjustment cannot exceed $10,000 ($20,000 if filing jointly) per tax return. Contributions made to other plans are not deductible.
You will need to provide proof of your contribution - include the account number and name of the beneficiary.
Deduction for Providing Foster Care
You may deduct expenses incurred providing foster care ($5,000) if you contract with a child-placing agency. Married persons filing separately in a year in which they could have filed a joint return may each claim only one-half of the deduction that would have been allowed for a joint return.
Parental Choice Tax credit for private school
You may deduct any Parental Choice Tax Credit payments received for qualified expenses paid for an eligible student to attend an accredited private school, to the extent such payments are included in your Federal AGI. Provide documentation to support amount claimed and a copy of your federal return.
Program Entry
- State Section
- Oklahoma Return
- Adjustments
Miscellaneous Other Oklahoma Adjustments
- Qualified Medical Savings Account/Health Savings Account (Supporting documents required)
- Agricultural Commodity Processing Facility (Supporting documents required)
- Depreciation Adjustment for Swine or Poultry
- Discharge of indebtedness for Farmers
- OK Police Corps Program Scholarship/Stipend (Supporting documents required)
- Deduction for Living Organ Donation (Supporting documents required)
- Safety Pays OSHA Consultation Service
- Qualified Refinery Property (Supporting documents required)
- Cost of Complying with Sulfur Regulations (Supporting documents required
- Emergency Medical Personnel death Benefit Exclusion
- Competitive Livestock Show Award
- Home-buyer Savings Account Deduction - $5,000 per account holder($10,000 if joint), total amount deducted cannot exceed $50,000. Provide Form 588.
- Indian Employment Exclusion
- Achieving a Better Life (ABLE) Deduction
- Allowable Adjustments not included above-Provide proof of your contribution.
Program Entry
- State Section
- Oklahoma Return
- Adjustments
- Miscellaneous Adjustments
For additional information, see Instruction Booklet for Oklahoma Resident Return.