Yes. When you e-file your federal return, your state return(s) will be sent with the federal return if you have properly filled out the information necessary for the state return(s).
How do I create a State Return?
Once you create your federal return have the option to create a state return. Please go to:
- State Section
- Select your state from the list
- Select your residency type
The three residency statuses are: Resident, Non-Resident, and Part-Year Resident. Some states do not have all three residency statuses as options. After choosing your residency status, you will be able to go through the state menu to add information specific to your state(s) tax return. Some states have extensive options in the state menu while others do not need much information other than what you have already entered for the federal return.
Your state return is not completed simply because you enter information in the income screen from your 1040 Form. You have to go through the steps above to create the state return. Once you have completed those steps you can then file the return.
How do I e-file my return?
Click E-File on the menu. You will be asked about the federal return first, then the state return(s). Proceed through the e-File process to submit your return(s) to be filed electronically.
What if my federal return was rejected?
The state return is not submitted until after the federal return is accepted. If your federal return is rejected the state return is not sent.