With the new form of electronic filing implemented by the IRS, the turn-around time to view/print your accepted return is much faster than was true for prior years. Beginning with the 2011 tax year, the IRS created the MeF (Modernized Electronic Filing) form of electronic filing. With the MeF form of electronic filing, you can receive an acknowledgement from the IRS within a few hours of the time your return was electronically filed (states can still take up to several hours or days to process a state return once the federal return has been accepted).
When your Federal and/or state return(s) have been processed, an automatic notification is sent to the e-mail address associated with your account as well as to the mailbox within your account located in the navigation menu on the left side of the screen. If you did not receive the e-mail notification, please be sure to add us to your safe senders list so that our messages are not delivered to your SPAM or JUNK folder.
Once your Federal and/or state return(s) have been accepted, you will be able to login to your account from our homepage and access your accepted Federal and/state return(s) directly from the "My Account" screen shown under the "Return Status" tab. You will click on the print button to print your returns.