The "My Account" page is the first screen you come to when you log on to your account. From this page you can:
- Check your email/Send an email to Support - click on "Mailbox" located in the menu on the left side of the page, to go to the "Message Center". To correspond with us click on the "Help & Support" link to send us an e-mail.
- Log out - click on the "Save & Log Out" located in the menu (bottom-left).
- Update your account information - click on the "Account Settings" link from the settings drop-down, located on the menu. This is where you will be able to edit your current mailing address, email address, and password (You cannot edit your Username once it is created.) Be sure to verify your phone number and or email address once it has been changed.
- Access your Prior Year Return or Start a New Return - for the prior tax year (you can also access accepted prior year returns within three years of the current tax year) by locating the "Prior Years" section at the bottom of the My Account page.
- Contact us - From the My Account page, access the return of the tax year you are working on, then located in the upper right-hand corner select "Help & Support". This displays support hours and phone number, the option to send us an e-mail or the ability to search our Knowledge Base for answers to your questions.
- Sign up for Text Messaging -We will text the status of your return right to your phone once the acknowledgement is received. To sign up, click on the down arrow (next to Settings) for the menu to appear. Select "SMS Notifications".
- Manage Account- By clicking on the settings drop-down menu followed by clicking on "Transaction History" you can see your account charges, banking information, IRS payment information, or deactivate your return.
- Deactivate your account- From the My Account page, access the return of the tax year you are working on, then click on the settings drop-down menu and then clicking "Transaction History" you will see your account charges, banking information, IRS payment information, and deactivate your return. You must select a reason for the deactivation and then select "Clear your return and restart". (This can only be done if you have not made a payment and/or filed a return) Clearing your return will remove all current year information so you can start over.
- Check the Status of your Return(s) - The "Return Status" will be shown on the My Account page (both federal and state, if applicable) once they have been created, e-filed, accepted or rejected (and why they were rejected by selecting FIX RETURN).
- Track your Federal Refund Status - "Track Refund" will provide you with both the information needed to check the IRS Where's My Refund tool and a link to the IRS website.
- Print accepted return(s) - Once the "Return Status" shows your Federal and/or State return(s) as "Created > E-Filed > Accepted", a printer bar/icon will be available for easy access of printing your accepted return(s) to keep for your records.
- Knowledge Base - To access this feature you will select the "Help & Support " tab on the right-hand corner of the program, choose the type of question you have. Select from a list of questions or select "My topic is not listed" to gain access to our help articles. You may also access the Knowledge Base via "Helpful Tools" from the "Toolbox" drop-down menu, after you have accessed the Federal Section of the program.