If you were a member of a partnership or limited liability company (LLC) treated as a partnership, or you received income from an estate or trust, you will receive a statement from the partnership, LLC, trust or estate notifying you of any additions or subtractions which you should make on your return.
Where Do I enter it?
If the adjustment is an addition to income for Wisconsin, enter it in the Additions to Income Section. If it is a subtraction, enter it in the Subtractions from Income Section. Use Code 52 for either entry for prior years not applicable for tax year 2020. If you have adjustments for more than on entity, enter each entity adjustment separately.
What else do I need to do?
You are required to attach a copy of the 2K-1 or 3K-1 to your return. To attach a copy of your K-1 to your return, visit the Credits section of your state return. You can also download it on the state website.
For further information, please see the Schedule AD instructions.