If you can’t pay the full amount you owe shown on your tax return, you may want to consider applying for an Installment Agreement.
You should not use the Installment Agreement if you can pay the full amount you owe within 120 days. This will allow you to avoid paying the fee to set up an installment agreement. You can apply for a short-term payment plan if you can pay in full within 120 days by using the OPA application at IRS.gov/OPA or calling the IRS at 800-829-1040.
How long can I take to pay the amount owed?
The maximum term for a streamlined agreement is 72 months. In certain circumstances, you can have longer to pay or you can establish an agreement for an amount that is less than the amount of tax you owe.
How do I apply for an Installment Agreement?
You can apply for the payment plan with your tax filing, online at IRS.gov, by phone, mail or in person. Set-up fees vary depending on the payment plan.
When you complete the Installment Agreement form within the program, you can setup your monthly payment amounts and banking information (or select to pay by mail) along with the monthly payment dates.
Program Entry:
- Federal Section
- Miscellaneous Forms
- Installment Agreement Request
How do I know if the Installment Agreement was accepted?
When you make an installment agreement through our program, the IRS will generally respond to your request within 30 days of receipt of your request via mail to let you know if it was accepted or rejected. Once approved, an IRS agent may contact you to request your financial records to verify the amounts you have agreed to pay.
Additional Information
You can view more information regarding this topic by visiting the IRS website.