The following are Kansas MeF error/reject codes for Individual Income & Homestead filings. Some of the ones listed below will also be used for the Fiduciary filings:
1. XML validation error. We will reject any return that fails our schema validation and parsing program.*
2. Duplicate Return. Original return already received for this tax year by SSN.*
3. Invalid Tax Year. Tax Year in the Manifest is invalid and out of the range of the program.*
4. Invalid Submission Type. Submission type in manifest not an accepted value.*
5. XML PDF Mismatch. XML attachments and submission attachments do not match.*
6. Invalid Primary SSN. Primary SSN does not match IRS master file.
7. Invalid Secondary SSN. Secondary SSN does not match IRS master file.
9. Schedule CR Missing. Transmitting a K-40 with a tax credit amount on Lines 15 and/or 24 requires a Schedule CR
10. ITIN not allowed. Valid SSN is required to claim a Food Sales Tax credit, Kansas EIC or any credits on the Schedule CR.
11. Schedule S Missing. Part-year residents must include Schedule S and are not eligible for Food Sales Tax credit or Kansas EIC.
12. Part-Year Status. Part-year residents are not eligible for Food Sales Tax credit or Kansas EIC.
13. Debit Date Missing. Requested Settlement Date must be sent for a direct debit transaction.*
14. Debit Amount Error. Payment Amount for a direct debit must be greater than zero.*
15. Tax Year Begin Date Missing.*
16. Tax Year End Date Missing.*
17. ABA Bank routing number format is invalid.*
18. Date of Birth is required for primary taxpayer
19. Date of Birth is required for spouse taxpayer
20. Invalid Taxpayer. SSN not allowed to file in Kansas.
107. SchK59 Part C Credit Available amount is greater than zero so SchK59 Part C Investment Schedule Data is required.