Once you prepare your return, you will be able to print your return for three years. However, where the return can be found will change after October 15th of the current filing year.
After October 15th
After October 15th, the current tax return will be archived within the "Prior Years" tab located on your "My Account" screen. This is due to the release of the new program for the upcoming tax season. To print:
- Log into your account
- Click Access Return for the corresponding tax year
- Click View or Print Return.
If this option is not available, the return was not successfully e-filed. You will need to select Access Return and go to the Summary/Print screen to print a copy of the return.
To print your returns after they have been accepted for the current tax year:
- Log in to your account
- Click on the printer icon located to the right of return status directly on your "My Account" screen.
The PDF of your accepted return will then display in a new window. From this screen, you will have the option to view, print, or save your return.
Current return (may or may not be the same as the accepted copy)
To print the full copy of your return as it is currently prepared within your account:
- Log in to your account
- Click “Summary/Print”
- Click on "View/Print return" to view the PDF of your return as it has currently been prepared.
This will generate the Federal and any state returns in one document. If you made changes to the account, the return may not be the same as the accepted return.