You can save a copy of the accepted return to your computer or a thumb drive. When the federal/state return has been accepted, you will be notified. Once you receive that notification, you can log back in to the account and either print a copy of the accepted return or simply save it.
To save the return(s) after they have been accepted, please log back into your account, click the Print button located in the center of the screen on the “My Account" page, then select Print Federal or Print State. This will open a PDF of your accepted return(s) for you. The PDF(s) may be printed using the print icon (or Ctrl+P keyboard shortcut) and/or saved using the disk icon (or Ctrl+S keyboard shortcut).
If you wish to save a copy of the return before it has been e-filed and accepted, log into the account and go to the Summary/Print section and select "View Return". You will have the option to Print All. Print Federal, or Print State. The PDF will open in a new window. Select the disk icon or Ctrl+S to save a copy of the return to your computer.