We do not charge a fee to view or print a Prior Year return. Returns for 2020 and prior are not available through our system. If your return was never electronically accepted, we will be unable to provide a copy in PDF format.
You can request a transcript of your prior year accepted return through the IRS website at no cost. A transcript is basically a summary of your accepted tax return. You can also request a copy of the accepted tax return through the IRS - however the cost is more substantial and the return will be mailed to you after a period of time.
The following article is from the IRS website:
Copy of Your Tax Return – How to Get One |
Most needs for tax return information can be met with a tax return transcript or a tax account transcript, rather than an actual copy of the return. The tax return transcript shows information from the return as it was originally filed. A tax account transcript shows any later adjustments either the taxpayer or the IRS made after the tax return was filed. The IRS can provide transcripts for many returns free of charge. These transcripts may be acceptable substitutes for an actual copy of the return by the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services and lending agencies for student loans and mortgages. Check with your agency or lender to be sure. You can obtain a transcript Form 4506-T (PDF), by using the IRS automated self-help service tools. Visit IRS.gov and click on "Get Your Tax Record". |