If you see a "blank page" open while trying to print a copy of your return, you may be using an older version of your preferred web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.). To update your web browser to its most current version, please follow one of the links provided below to your web browser of choice:
Please note that Internet Explorer is no longer supported by Microsoft and you may experience technical issues if you access TaxSlayer using it.
You must also have Adobe Reader (9.0 or higher) to be able to view and print the return. If you do not have the correct version of Adobe Reader, you may download it free of charge by going to the Adobe website.
To print your current return(s) after they have been accepted:
- Log in to your account
- Select Print under your return(s) that are listed
- Then, select the return you would like to print
This will open a PDF for you. The PDF may be printed using the print icon (or Ctrl-P on your keyboard) and/or saved using the disk icon (or Ctrl-S on your keyboard).
Returns prior to 2024 are considered prior year returns. The prior year returns are only accessible if you used our program to submit the return and it was accepted. To print a prior year return:
- Log in to your account
- Select Access Return under the tax year you need
- Select Show Details for the return(s) you want to print
- Select Print
If you did not successfully e-file your return or your return was not accepted that year, the pdf will not be available for printing unless the program is available for access. Currently, we only offer the 2021, and 2022, 2023 prior year programs that would allow you to print the return from within the program. For tax returns prior to 2021 that were e-filed and accepted, you will need to contact the IRS at 1-800-829-1040 for a copy of the return. You may also request a copy of your tax transcript directly from the IRS website.
Trouble Shooting:
- If you do not see a print or save button on your screen, you may have an older version of Adobe Reader. The save and print buttons are shown when you hover over the bottom of the document space.
- In some cases, you may need to disable any anti-virus protection software and then attempt to print. If you continue to have trouble printing your return, you may want to try printing from another computer.
- If you have pop-up blocker/anti-virus software installed, you will need to temporarily disable it as your return file may not display properly if enabled.
- You must also have Adobe Reader (9.0 or higher) to be able to view and print the return. If you do not have the correct/current version of Adobe Reader, you may download it free of charge by going to the Adobe website from the link listed above.
- *Please verify that Adobe Reader can be displayed through your preferred Web Browser. To verify, choose "Edit" then "Preferences" inside your Adobe Reader. Next, under categories, select "Internet" and be sure that the box marked "Display PDF in browser" is checked.
MAC Users:
- When you open the document make sure you change the ".aspx" to ".pdf" to print the return.