When you file your return electronically, the IRS requires that you provide an electronic signature. If you filed a return in the previous year, you will need the Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) from that return to 'electronically sign' the return. The Adjusted Gross Income can be found on line 11 of the 2023, 2022, and 2021 1040 Form.
If you do not have access to the prior year return, you can Request a Transcript of your return on the IRS website. The transcript will contain the Adjusted Gross Income that can then be entered in the current year return.
If you did not file a return in the previous year, select "No" indicating you did not file a return for the previous year. Our program will enter $0 for the prior year AGI amount.
You will also be required to create a current year self-select PIN. This is a five digit number, not beginning with a 0, which you can use to sign your return next year. If you continue to use the same Username, our program will pull the PIN number forward into your return for you.
The IRS may not accept the return even if the correct PIN number or AGI amount has been entered. This signifies that the return must be printed and mailed to the correct agency (state, federal or both). The IRS filing addresses can be found on the IRS website. State return mailing addresses are usually found on the state return. If you are unable to find the mailing address listed on your form, click here to access our Knowledgebase article listing the state mailing addresses.