Payment vouchers are located in the PDF of the printed returns. Visit the Summary/Print screen to view/print the PDF.
Accepted Return
You can print the accepted state return by selecting, "Print state return" from the "My Account" page, the payment voucher is located at the end of the PDF.
Return not Accepted
If your state return has not yet been accepted, you can print the return from within the program. Please select Summary/Print > Print Return > Print State Return, to print, and save a PDF copy of your return. The payment voucher is located at the end of the state return.
When is the payment due?
If you have a balance due, the amount is due on the filing date (states return filing dates may vary from the federal filing dates). An extension does provide an extension of time to pay - only of time to file.
Can I pay electronically?
Generally, you can pay the amount due when you file your state return. This information is contained in the E-file section of the return.
If you elected to pay by mail or did not choose to pay electronically when e-filing, you can pay on the state website. To access the link to your state site to pay the amount due, review this Knowledgebase Article.