Household members typically includes the taxpayer, spouse (if applicable) and the taxpayer's dependents when referring to a household for the Health Insurance Marketplace. instructs you to follow these rules when including members of your household:
- If you are legally married, include your spouse.
- Do include a tax dependent on your application, if you plan to claim them as a tax dependent for the year you want coverage.
- Don't include a tax dependent on your application, if you won’t claim them as a tax dependent.
- Even if your spouse and/or tax dependents don't need health insurance, include your spouse and tax dependents as part of your household.
How do I add or remove a spouse or dependent?
If you need to add your spouse or a dependent, you will need to follow these steps:
"Select Basic Information" then if adding a spouse select "Personal Information". If adding a dependent select add/edit under "Dependents"
How do I add additional family members that are not my spouse or dependent?
If you have additional family members other than a spouse or dependent to add to your health insurance, you will need to click the +Household Member which is directly below the blue box on the Verify Your Household Members page.
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