The following entries show as deductions on your return. Please note the Code number on the item, as this will appear on your VA 760-CG under Deductions
Child and Dependent Care Expenses - Code 101
You may claim this deduction on your Virginia return only if you were eligible to claim a credit for child and dependent care expenses on your federal return. This deduction is pulled automatically from Federal return to your Virginia state return.
Foster Care Deduction – Code 102
Foster parents can claim $1,000 for each foster child permanently residing in their home and claimed as a dependent on the federal and Virginia return.
Bone Marrow Screening Fee –Code 103
You may claim a deduction for the initial bone marrow screening fee if you were not reimbursed and did not claim a deduction on the federal return.
Commonwealth Savers Account Contributions –Code 104
Individuals under age 70 (on or before December 31 of the current tax year) may claim the lesser of $4,000 or the amount contributed during the taxable year to each Commonwealth Savers accounts such as the Prepaid or Invest 529 plans, or the College America or CollegeWealth plans. Amounts in excess of $4000 limit, may be carried forward until fully deducted. Individuals over age 70 (on or before December 31 of the taxable year), may deduct the entire amount contributed during the tax year.
Continuing Teacher Education –Code 105
If you are a licensed primary or secondary school teacher, you may claim a deduction equal to 20% of unreimbursed tuition costs for continuing education courses required by your job. If you claimed these expenses on your federal return, you cannot claim them on your state return.
Long-Term Health Care Premiums –Code 106
You may claim a deduction of your long term health care insurance premiums if you did not claim a deduction for them on your federal return.
Virginia Public School Construction Grants Program and Fund –Code 107
You may claim a deduction for contributions made to the Virginia Public School Construction Grants Program if you did not claim a deduction on your federal return.
Tobacco Quota Buyout –Code 108
You may deduct payments received in the preceding year to the extent they were included in federal income. Certain restrictions apply, see Virginia instructions below.
Sales Tax Paid on Certain Energy Efficient Equipment or Appliances –Code 109
You may deduct 20% of the sales tax paid on the purchase of energy efficient equipment or appliances. You may not deduct more than $500 per year ($1,000 if filing a joint return).
Organ and Tissue Donor Expenses – Code 110
As a living donor or tissue donor you may deduct up to $5000 for unreimbursed expenses paid as long as you have not claimed the expenses as a deduction on your federal return. If filing a joint return, the deduction is limited to $10,000. The amount of the deduction is the lesser of $5,000 ($10,000 if joint) or the actual amount paid by the taxpayer.
Charitable Mileage –Code 111
You may claim the difference between 18 cents per mile and the federal charitable mile deduction claimed on the federal return.
Virginia Bank Franchise Tax –Code 112
A shareholder of a bank may be required to make certain adjustments to his or her federal adjusted gross income. Such adjustments are required only if the shareholder invests in a bank that (1) is subject to the Virginia Bank Franchise Tax for state tax purposes (see Va. Code § 58.1-1207) and (2) has elected to be taxed as a small business corporation (S corporation) for federal tax purposes. Please visit here for information. Attach PDF of supporting documents within the program.
Income from Dealer Disposition of Property- Code 113
You may be able to claim a deduction for certain income associated with property sold using the installment agreement. Visit the VA Instructions for complete rules.
Prepaid Funeral, Medical, or Dental Insurance Premiums - Code 114
If you have a prepaid funeral insurance policy for yourself, or medical/dental premiums for any person you claim a deduction for on your federal return, you may be allowed a deduction for the premiums on your state return. To qualify for the deductions, you must be 66 years of age or older, have earned income of at least $20,000 for the year and federal adjusted gross income no more than $30,000 for the year. You may not claim this deduction if you have claimed a deduction your federal return, been reimbursed, or claimed a federal or Virginia income tax credit.
ABLE Savings Trust Account Contributions (ABLEnow )- Code 115
Beginning January 2016, you may claim a deduction for amounts contributed during the tax year to an ABLEnow account. If the contributions are claimed on the federal return, you may not claim the deduction on your state return. Contributions are limited to $2000, per ABLEnow account. Any excess may be carried forward until fully deducted. If over the age of 70, contributor may deduct the full amount.
Business Interest Deduction - Code 116
For taxable years beginning on and after January 2018, individuals are allowed to take a 50% deduction of business interest that had been disallowed for federal purposes. If claiming this, you must include a copy of federal form 8990 (not supported).
Business Interest Deduction Recovery - Code 117
If in a later year the interest of the business interest deduction is then allowed to be claimed on your federal return, it must be recovered on your Virginia return.
Deduction for Eligible Educators - Code 118
For tax years beginning January 1, 2022 and ending December 31, 2024, a tax deduction may be allowed for up to $500 for the eligible qualifying educator expenses. Deduction may not be taken for reimbursed expenses or if expenses were claimed as a deduction on the federal tax return.
Other- Code 199
Include an explanation for other deductions in the space provided by our software.
You can review these deductions in these Virginia Instructions.