Tax-exempt interest income from obligations of Other States
Enter the amount of any interest on obligations of other states not included in your Federal Adjusted Gross Income, which is taxable in Virginia, less related expenses.
Special Depreciation Adjustment
Bonus Depreciation: "If you claimed a federal depreciation deduction and one or more of the depreciable assets received the special 30% or 50% bonus depreciation deduction under IRC § 168(k) in any taxable year from 2001 through 2021, or the bonus depreciation under IRC §§ 168(l), 168(m), 1400L, or 1400N, then depreciation must be recomputed for Virginia purposes as if such assets did not receive such bonus depreciation. If your total 2021 Virginia depreciation calculation is less than your 2021 federal depreciation calculation, then the difference must be recognized as an addition. Enter the amount that should be added to Federal Adjusted Gross Income based upon the recomputation of allowable depreciation." (Form 760)
Other Fixed Date Conformity Additions: If you are required to make any Other Fixed Date Conformity additions, enter the total amount of such additions on this line.
The following entries show as Other Additions to Income on your return. Please note the Code number of the item, as this will appear on your VA 760-CG under Additions: Part 1
- Interest on Federally Exempt U.S. Obligations- Code 10
- Accumulation Distribution Income- Code 11
- Lump-Sum Distribution Income - Code 12
- Income from Dealer Disposition of Property - Code 14
- First-Time Home Buyer Savings Accounts - Code 17
- Food Crop Donation - Code 18
- Federal Partnership Income Addition - Code 19
- Other Additions - Code 99
Information on Other Additions can be found in our Knowledgebase.