The Pennsylvania Property Tax or Rent Rebate Program is a program that provides rebates on property tax or rent paid in the previous year by any income-eligible seniors, as well as individuals with disabilities.
Am I eligible for this rebate?
This rebate is available to income-eligible Pennsylvania residents age 65 or older; widows or widowers age 50 or older, as well as individuals with disabilities age 18 or older.
How much is the rebate?
The maximum standard rebate is $1000. The supplemental is 50% of the standard rebate, which if you qualify for the supplemental, PA calculates it for you.
The income limit for the rebate is $46,520 a year for homeowners and renters. As well, half of Social Security income is excluded. If you are a spouse, personal representative, or estate, you may file rebate claims on behalf of any claimant that lived at least one day in the claim year and meet all other criteria.
Per the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue:
- Seniors who live in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh or Scranton, where local wage/income tax rates are very high, will not benefit from a local tax shift to lower taxes on top of the reduction offered by the state funded property tax relief. To ensure that seniors in these communities receive significant property tax relief, each senior household with income under $31,010 has its property tax rebate increase by an additional 50 percent.
- In addition, property tax rebates are increased by an additional 50 percent for senior households in the rest of the state, so long as those households have incomes under $31,010 and pay more than 15 percent of income in property taxes.
Where do I enter information for this rebate?
To apply for this rebate within the program, please go to:
- State Section
- Edit Pennsylvania state return
- Miscellaneous Forms
- Property Tax/Rent Rebate, Form PA-1000
When will I receive my rebate?
The Pennsylvania Department of Revenue states that rebates will begin being delivered around April for many Pennsylvania citizens who submitted applications through the rebate program for property taxes or rent that was paid in 2021. Applicants can check the status of their rebates using the myPATH portal.
Rebates are processed and distributed on a first-in-first-out basis.
Important Information
Form PA-1000 cannot be electronically filed; you will be required to print this form out and mail it in separate from the rest of your Pennsylvania return. All other Pennsylvania forms can be electronically filed.
You can also file the application form at no cost via PA Department of Revenue district offices, local Area Agencies on Aging, as well as senior centers and state legislator's offices.
For more detailed information regarding Pennsylvania's Property Tax or Rent Rebate Program, please click here.