Below is a list of adjustments that can be made on your Pennsylvania return:
Military Pay Adjustment
Military active duty pay for Pennsylvania residents earned outside the state is excludable from Pennsylvania income.
IRC Section 529 Qualified Tuition Program Contributions
Maximum donation of $18,000 per beneficiary, per taxpayer. Taxpayer and spouse are each allowed the maximum deduction.
IRC Section 529A Pennsylvania ABLE Savings Account Program Contributions
Maximum donation of $18,000 per contributor. Taxpayer and spouse are each allowed the maximum deduction.
HSA/MSA Contributions
You may claim these deductions ONLY if they were included on your federal return. The program will automatically carry the information from your Federal Return to your PA-40 Schedule O.
Pennsylvania Schedule UE
Certain allowable employee business expenses.
Program Entry
- State Section
- Pennsylvania Return
- Edit
- Adjustments to Income
For additional information pertaining to Pennsylvania Adjustments to Income, please refer to the instructions for Form PA-40.