Listed below is income that should be added to your New York return:
Interest Income On Other State Bonds And Obligations
Enter Interest Income on State and local bonds from states other than New York State or its local governments that are not already included in your Federal AGI. This includes interest income on state and local bonds, interest and dividend income from tax-exempt bond mutual funds, and tax-exempt money market funds that invest in obligations of states other than New York.
Non-qualified Distributions from NY 529 College Savings Program
If you received a nonqualified distribution from a NYC 529 College Savings Program , you must add the amount back to your New York income. Nonqualified distributions are withdrawals that are not used for higher education expenses.
Other Additions:
- Investment Income US Obligations
- Special mortgage tax deduction
- Special mortgage tax adjustment
- Sales acquired from decedents
- Disposition of solar systems
- New business investments
- Qualified emerging tech investments
- Interest exempt used to buy tax exempt bonds
- Health Insurance Surcharge
- Form 4970 Accumulation distributions
- Special accruals
- Incomplete gift non-grantor trust
- IRC 951(a) or 951A(a) income inclusions when the IRC 962 elections
- Personal income taxes
- Percentage depletion
- Safe Harbor leases (IRC Section 168(f)(8))
- Farmers school tax credit
- Sport Utility Vehicle Deduction
- IRC Section 168(k) property depreciation
- Special depreciation
- Royalty and interest payments made to a related member
- Environmental remediation insurance premiums
- NOL Deduction Limitation
- Manufacturers real property tax
- START-UP NY Excise tax
- PTET Deduction addback (IT-112-R)
- Gains invested in a qualified opportunity fund
- S-corp reduction for taxes
- S-corp pass-through loss
- S-corp distributions
- S-corp disposition
- Beneficiary share of fiduciary adjustment
Program Entry
To enter any of these additions to income on your New York return, follow the steps below:
- State Section
- Edit New York Return
- Additions to Income