Income Tax Withheld from Oil and Gas Proceeds
Enter the total of all New Mexico income tax withheld from oil and gas proceeds as shown on your annual withholding statements, 1099-MISC, or RPD-41285, Annual Statement of Withholding of Oil and Gas Proceeds.
An entity that has had tax withheld cannot pass a withholding statement directly to another taxpayer. Generally, the recipient of the withholding statement must file and report the tax withheld on their New Mexico income tax return.
However, if a person is a remittee that receives oil and gas proceeds from which tax was withheld, and you must pass the oil and gas proceeds and the tax withheld to another remittee, you may do so by issuing an annual withholding statement, Form RDP-41285, Annual Statement of Withholding of Oil and Gas Proceeds, to the next remittee.
After receiving the annual withholding statements, remittees may then claim the withholding on their income tax returns.
Income Tax Withheld From a Pass-Through Entity
Enter the total New Mexico income tax withheld from the net income of pass-through entities (PTEs) as shown on your annual withholding statements, 1099-MISC, or Form RPD-41359, Annual Statement of Pass-Through Entity Withholding.
An entity that has had tax withheld cannot pass a withholding statement directly to any other taxpayer. This includes its owners, members, partners, or beneficiaries. Generally, the recipient of the withholding statement must file and report the tax withheld on its New Mexico income tax return.
However, if a recipient is also a PTE, after filing and reporting, this PTE may pass tax withheld to its owners, members, partners, or beneficiaries. The PTE passes the tax withheld by issuing an annual withholding statement, Form RPD-41359, Annual Statement of Pass-Through Entity Withholding to its owners, members, partners, or beneficiaries. The recipients may then claim the withholding on their income tax returns.
Where do I enter my "Other Payments?"
If you made estimated payments to the State of New Mexico, you would enter these payment in the Federal Section of the program under,
1. Payments and Estimates
2. State Estimated Payments.
This entry would automatically pull over to your state return.
Enter the total payments you made toward your 2024 personal income tax liability that are not included in the Payments and Estimates you entered in the Federal Section. Examples of these may include:
- Extension payments you made with PIT-EXT payment vouchers
- Return payments you made with PIT-PV payment vouchers
- PIT-EXT or PIT-PV payments you made through the Department website
IMPORTANT: You do not need to include any payments you attach to your return or payments you submit after you file the return.
Program Entry
- State Section
- Edit New Mexico return
- Other Withholdings