Below is a list of nonrefundable credits that are available on your Louisiana return:
Child Care Credit Carryforward from 2019-2023
You can carry forward this credit to be used as a nonrefundable credit. A nonrefundable credit can be carried forward for 5 years if you cannot claim it in the current tax year.
Credit For Taxes Paid To Another State
If you were a resident of Louisiana for the entire year, you are allowed a credit for the net income taxes properly paid to another state of the United States. No credit may be claimed for taxes paid to cities, the District of Columbia, or foreign countries. The credit allowed on your Louisiana return must be for the same taxable year for which the tax was paid to another state or in the succeeding taxable year.
Other Nonrefundable Credits:
- Premium Tax
- Bone Marrow
- Qualified Playground (lesser of $720 or 36% of value)
- Debt Issuance (72%)
Program Entry
- State Section
- Edit Louisiana
- Credits
- Nonrefundable Credits
For more information on these credits and a list of Nonrefundable Priority Credits and Transferable nonrefundable priority credits, please click here.