You may claim this credit within your account by following the steps below:
- State Section
- Edit Kentucky state return
- Credits
- Education Credit
If you claimed an Education Credit on your federal return, you may claim this credit. If you qualified for the federal American Opportunity or Lifetime Learning credit, you must claim the same credit on your Kentucky return.
What are Qualified Education Expenses?
See our Knowledgebase article "What qualified education expenses can I use on my return?" to determine what expenses you can use to figure your credit.
Was the Eligible Educational Institution located in Kentucky?
The educational institution must be located in Kentucky to qualify for this credit. The school must be an accredited public, private, or nonprofit college, university, vocational school or postsecondary institution.
American Opportunity Credit
The Kentucky American Opportunity Credit amount is limited to 25% of the federal credit. The maximum amount allowed is $625 for each qualifying student.
Lifetime Learning Credit
The Kentucky Lifetime Learning Credit is limited to 25% of the federal credit. The maximum allowed is $500 per return.
Credit Carry forward from Prior Years
You are able to carryforward any unused credit for up to 5 years. The Education Credit Form (8863) and the Kentucky Education Credit Form (8863-K) must be completed in each of the prior years that you are claiming a carryforward for.