Below are additional taxes that you may owe on your Idaho return:
Tax for Mail Order and Internet Purchases (Use Tax)
Every state with a sales tax also has a use tax. Use tax is a tax on goods that you put to use or store in Idaho, if sales tax wasn't paid on the purchase of the goods. Most Idaho sales tax exemptions also apply to use tax. The use tax rate and sales tax rates are the same. Use tax is paid directly to the state, instead of to the seller of the goods.
If you made purchases throughout the year without paying sales tax, you have to report the use tax on these purchases.
Penalty And Interest For Late Payment Or Filing
If you have a balance due and you are filing after the due date, you may owe penalties and interest on your balance due. You can add those fees to your return and pay them now.
Program Entry
To report your additional taxes, go to:
- State Section
- Edit your Idaho return
- Additional Taxes
For more information, please click here.