Rhode Island offers the below credits should you qualify. Enter the total of all other tax credits for which you are eligible. The original certificate must be attached to the return. To manually attach the form to your printout state return and mail the return to the state. For additional information pertaining to each credit, please click on the link below.
Historic Homeowner Assistance Act - carryforwards only (Line 1)
The Historic Resident Credit allows a carryforward of unused credit until completely used. Rhode Island requires documentation with year of credit origination and the amounts used to date.
Tax Credits for Contributions to Scholarship Organizations (Line 2)
This credit is for approved businesses that make contributions to qualified scholarship organizations.
Historic Structures Tax Credit (Line 3)
For approved rehabilitation of certified historic structures. Any unused credit amount may be carried forward for 10 years. This credit is NOT for owners of historic residences who qualified under the Historic Homeownership Assistance ACT.
Low Income Housing Tax Credits (Line 4)
Eligible taxpayers that have ownership interest in a qualified low-income housing project. Must have been certified and received certificate from Rhode Island Department of Housing. The unused amount can be carried forward for 4 years.
Rhode Island New Qualified Jobs Incentive Act 2015 (Line 5)
This credit is for businesses certified by the RI Commerce Corporation and created previously non-existent full-time jobs. The carryover is for 4 years.
Rebuild Rhode Island Tax Credit (Line 6)
For approved businesses with required certificate demonstrating committed capital investment or owner equity of at least 20% of the total project cost. Any unused amount can be carried forward for 4 years.
Motion Picture Production Tax Credit (Line 7)
A tax credit for certified production costs determined by the RI Film and Television Office or Department of Revenue. Carryover can be claimed for up to 3 years.
Stay Invested in RI Wavemaker Fellowship (Line 8)
Credit for approved graduates working for a Rhode Island based employer in the field of life, natural or environmental sciences; computer, information or software technology; advanced mathematics or finance; engineering; industrial or other commercially related design; or medicine or medical device technology. Unused amount can be carried forward for 4 years.
Recapture of Prior Year Credits
To enter a Rhode Island credit that needs recapturing enter the credit number, credit name and credit amount.
How do I enter this within my account?
To enter in Rhode Island credit information, within the main menu, go to:
- State
- Rhode Island State Return (3 dots, Edit)
- Credits
- Other Rhode Island Credits - Schedule CR
Are there unsupported credits?
If the credit you are trying to claim is not listed on lines 1 through 8, the credit is no longer allowed against personal income tax.
Additional Information
Rhode Island Schedule CR - Other RI Credits
Instructions for Filing RI-1040