If you're expecting a refund from the IRS, our program lets you split the deposit into multiple accounts when you opt for the direct deposit method.
Just remember, to receive your federal refund via direct deposit, your name must be linked to the bank account(s) you provide.
To split your refund into multiple direct deposit accounts or purchase a savings bond, follow these simple steps:
- Complete Your Return: Once you're done with your tax return, navigate to the E-File section from the left menu.
- Review Your E-File Summary: Carefully review the three sections — Federal, State, and Products and Services — on the E-File summary page.
- Sign and File: Proceed to Step Four and select Sign and File Your Return.
- Enable Multiple Accounts: On the appropriate page, answer Yes to the question, "Would you like to split your refund into multiple accounts?" Add the desired accounts and specify how much of your refund you'd like allocated to each one.
- Allocate Your Refund: Add the desired accounts and specify how much of your refund you'd like allocated to each one.
As of 2024, the program allowing for your refund to be deposited into your TreasuryDirect® account to buy savings bonds, as well as the ability to buy paper bonds with your refund, has been discontinued.