Form 8912 is used to claim credit for the following tax credit bonds:
- Clean renewable energy bond (CREB)
- New clean renewable energy bond (NCREB)
- Qualified energy conservation bond (QECB)
- Qualified zone academy bond (QZAB)
- Qualified school construction bond (QSCB)
- Build America bond (BAB)
Who can claim the credits?
According to the IRS, "A taxpayer holding a CREB or qualified tax credit bond (a qualified tax credit bond doesn't include a QZAB issued before October 4, 2008) on one or more credit allowance dates can
claim the credit by filing Form 8912 for each tax year in which it holds the bond on a credit allowance date.
Generally, the credit allowance dates are:
- March15.
- June 15.
- September 15, and
- December 15.
The credit allowance date also includes the last day on which the qualified tax credit bond is outstanding."
Where do I report Form 8912?
To report Form 8912 and claim credit for a tax credit bond, please follow the steps below.
- Federal
- Deductions
- Choose to select your forms, then press continue
- Credits
- Credit to Holders of Tax Credit Bonds