If you choose to pay your federal taxes using the IRS website, you should must indicate that you wish to make your tax payment by way of "MAILED CHECK" during the TaxSlayer e-filing process rather than the alternative "Direct Debit" option. If you elect to pay using the direct debit option, you may be charged twice for your tax payment if you then attempt to make a payment through the IRS website. Making tax payments through the IRS website is a convenient and secure way to ensure that you stay compliant with your tax responsibilities.
- Access the IRS Website - The first step in making your tax payment online is to visit the official IRS website. You can do this by typing IRS.GOV into your web browser. Once on the homepage, Select the "Pay" option from the banner.
Choose the Best Payment Option for You - The IRS provides various payment options to cater to different taxpayer needs. The most common methods include:
- Direct Pay: This option allows you to pay directly from your bank account at no cost. You will need to provide your bank account information, including the routing and account numbers.
- Credit or Debit Card: If you prefer to use a credit or debit card, the IRS partners with approved payment processors. Keep in mind that these processors will charge a convenience fee.
- Installment Agreement: If you have a balance that you are unable to pay all at one time, you may be eligible for an installment agreement (Individual payment plan). You will need your account and routing number handy and be ready to log into your ID.ME account with the IRS. If you have not done so before, be ready to create your ID.ME account and have your valid photo identification ready. **NOTE: You must have a balance due on your accepted current year return to utilize this option.
- Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS): This option requires a prior enrollment process that will take up to five business days to process. With this option you can schedule your payments up to 365 days in advance and have access to 15 months of payment history. This option is perfect for self-employed individuals who need to make quarterly estimated tax payments.
Be ready to provide the following information with all payment options:
- Taxpayer Identification Number - SSN or ITIN depending on your situation.
- Payment Amount - Double-check your entries to ensure accuracy.
- Personal Information - Full name and mailing address EXACTLY as it appears on the tax return.
- Review - Before submitting your payment, ensure that all details are accurate, as errors could lead to processing delays or complications.
- Payment Confirmation - The IRS website will provide you with a confirmation number. Keep a record of this confirmation for your records. If you encounter any issues, note any error messages, and consider reaching out to the IRS for assistance.
For more information on IRS online payments please visit IRS Topic 202 and IRS Topic 158.